Ep. 69 - Rewilding Floreana (with Fundación Jocotoco)

Ep. 69 - Rewilding Floreana (with Fundación Jocotoco)

How hard is it to reintroduce species to a tropical island? Turns out, pretty hard! But it’s so worth it. The rewilding of the Galapagos island of Floreana will make it the largest tropical island ever to be rewilded. Researchers have spent over a decade meticulously planning for the reintroduction of the iconic Floreana Giant Tortoise (Chelonoidis niger niger). Once thought to be extinct, this species, along with eleven other locally extinct endemic animal species, are part of a reintroduction project that has involved the massive task of eradication of introduced predators, as well as the purposeful inclusion of the local population throughout the planning process. This month, Bill and Steve are completely out of their depth, discussing the project with three staff members from Fundación Jocotoco, one of the organizations leading the charge to Rewild Floreana.

This episode’s special guests are Paola Sangolquí, Jocotoco’s Galapagos Program Marine Coordinator, Julieta Muñoz, Conservation Strategy Manager, and Jajean Rose-Burney, the Director of Jocotoco US.

Ep. 60 - The True(?) Story of the Bald Eagle

Ep. 60 - The True(?) Story of the Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is a rare example of a species humans managed to pull back from the brink of extinction by getting off our collective asses and doing some stuff. The typical story told involves the chemical DDT and its negative impacts on the eagle’s ability to reproduce and how the banning of DDT helped restore Bald Eagle populations across the continent. But a few out there question this narrative, claiming that DDT wasn’t a big problem for eagles and that banning it caused billions of unnecessary deaths because it prevented DDT’s continued use in the fight against malaria. These claims are mostly nonsense, drudged up by folks who hate regulations, but looking into them makes for an interesting ride. Join the guys as they find out…DUN DUN DUN…what THEY don’t want you to know about Bald Eagles.