Ep. 03 - Hi-BEAR-nation

Episode Notes:

I think the title speaks for itself...

Questions that came up in the episode:

Flying Squirrels More Populous than Reds and Grays?

During this episode, Bill mentioned a statistic he’d heard, claiming that Flying Squirrels outnumbered Red and Gray Squirrels in the Northeast. After recording episode 3, Bill tried to track down any credible sources, but he found not a single reference to this claim on any website, blog, or scientific paper. Unless someone out there has a reliable source to back up this statistic, we’ll have to conclude that Bill just made this up.*

*UPDATE - BILL WAS RIGHT! At least in Ohio, that is. A big thank you to Randy from Bowling Green who sent us a link to Ohio's Department of Natural Resources and their page on the Southern Flying Squirrel. It states, "The flying squirrel is the most common squirrel in Ohio. Because they are nocturnal and seldom seen, most people don't recognize that they live with flying squirrels." While we wish that this info was linked to the research, we're going to trust that Ohio's DNR know what they're talking about because Bill's ego is fragile and he really wants to to be right. http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/mammals/southern-flying-squirrel


I'm sure we will find out.

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