Bonus 01 - The Christmas Bird Count

1! 1 bird!
2! 2 birds!
3! 3 birds! Ha! Ha! Ha!
You get the picture.

For this bonus episode, Bill, Steve, Chris, and Dave participate in the Christmas Bird Count. They count birds, talk about the history and findings of the count, and tell their own birding stories. Enjoy!

This count occurred on December 17, 2016.

We would like to thank our top patrons: Ken, Scott, WeNamedTheDogIndie, Paul, Molly, Rob, Alyssa, Dan, Dave, Chimera, Kimberly, and Lee. Thank you all!

Useful links!
Junkin’s Warbler:

Audubon's Christmas Bird Count Main Page:

History of the Bird Count:

Overview, instructions, and results by species or count:

Ep. 04 - Brrrrrds in Winter:

Work Cited:
Gregory, William King. "Frank Michler Chapman, 1864–1945." National Academy Biographical Memoirs 25 (1947): 111-143.

Niven, Daniel K., Gregory S. Butcher, and G. Thomas Bancroft. "Northward shifts in early winter abundane." Am Birds (2010): 1-6.